
Aran Meredith

Eternity is a perpetual moment, let us eat cake.

Who am I? Does it Matter?

Aran Meredith is a Middleland pseudo-historian and pseudo-philosopher of the Roman period, born in the liberal arts, wrote a tome named Scorpiris Schemata depicting the elegant and decadent pastimes of the upper echelon of the Moonlit City. Specialized in forging historical figures and fabricating historical narratives, Aran is considered as one of the best sources on historical fantasy.

Alternatively, Aran is an irrational and illogical aesthete, who writes poems sometimes.

Addicted to using words to mock and flirt with rationality, to the point they lost track of the sensation of time.

埃瑞安是一名中洲伪历史学家和罗马时期的伪哲学家,生于文科,著有一部叙述月落城腐败堕落的上流社会生活的《蝎鹫尾图式》(Scorpiris Schemata)。擅长胡思乱想历史人物和胡编乱造史实,被认为有较高的可信度。



Statue de Nécropole.JPG

What makes you write?

Simple. Because they have to. They used to configure elaborate storylines to entertain their classmates in exchange for stationaries and snacks.

Then flowing words turned to written words, and they turned to a coffeehouse MacBook person.

What can’t you live without?

Bad poetry, good music, and fresh herbs.

Favourite composer?

Scarlatti in the morning, Khachaturian in the night.

Writers worth revisiting?

Celan, Nerval, Baudelaire. Baby Rimbaud? Maybe...

What we do in the shadows?

Hunting and feeding, duh. 

Occasionally they write, occasionally they enjoy playing chess with the devil——oh, they mean the computer.

Coffee or Tea?

There’s a fancy drink called Yin-Yeung (mandarin duck?!) which contains the best of both worlds.

Form or Content?

Forms over contents, always.

Endnotes No One Asked For

Oh, and the poetry, those are amongst the first casualties in the age of mechanical reproduction. Too young to be interesting; too young to not be asking why not?

Perhaps you may find their words perched on the internet long after they are gone. Well hello there.

