Amore al-lukum
Love, how lovely, what a waste of time and resources.
Love and romance prey on valuable time and resources that could have been diverted and spent on reading others romanticizing, well, love and romance.
How can you possibly wake up with a splash of dopamine, a fool's smile and get on their miserable day, every other day?
The folly of choosing to be fooled by an imperfect ideal, to fell in love with love itself, and never really get up from the little pond of slimy mud.
How nice of you to fall into the muddle holding a plastic imitation of laurel tree branch, ever so smittened with said puddle, only to never get up and get over it again?
Technically, they are automatically disqualified from talking (hortposting) about love, but aren't everybody?
How inconvenient is the folly of love. Like a masterfully blend lokum, it stones you completely at first bite, while killing you ever so slowly.
Isn’t it better to be devoid of it, than painstakingly divorcing from it?
Isn’t it mildly less tragic, to never know of it, than to knew it and lost it after all the zigzag wutherland ways?
They are taking the house and the baby Bentley though. Expose your stupid kid for all they care.
By Aran Meredith