Dart in a Jar

Dart in a Jar

Would you resurrect the past for stop believing

And toss the jar into the water fountain

In a world that no longer returns

Fortune favours the fortunate

The ashes are lovely and to dust we shall return

The stories lost and steadily gains weight

And the passer bys are too beautiful to bear

To bury dreams with dreams

As we keep our promise by throwing away the keys

The grand piano disintegrates

Into a realm of tinted glass

One step forward two steps back

To discover the traces of sandy rust by the lampside

To set aflame once again

An elegant side profile

Beauty turned to harsh lines

Let us drink smokes and eat debris

Let us no longer emerge to dream

Those trivializing days

Those oppressive decays

February 2022

By Aran Meredith

Is It love?

Is It love?

In the name of shadowed senses

In the name of shadowed senses