Feather and Seek
To a world that no longer is
To a lie that no longer was
There is a belonging never-achieved
Til I no longer try
To the imaging that is still there
Choked into delirium by a velvet rope
Tripped by the inexperience of experience
Unwinding meaning to itself
You are my sweetest escape
To regard in seeing
To saw with broken window
A pensive nearness
Break the pendulum
Straight into your gaze there is a mirror
Through it our future lies apart
A maze made by attentive hearing
A passing-through that doesn't make a sound
So we start to question ourselves
Is it the darkest of yearnings
Or a trance of perfect perceptions
To behold in withholding
To relent in befalling
A silent witness
Almost longing
Byline: a return for "The Sedition", in this we trust not to trust
By Nil Solomon