[Play] Giuliano's Promise

[Play] Giuliano's Promise

Giuliano’s Promise

By Aran Meredith



After his very close friend Felice died of a sudden death, the master sculptor Giuliano can’t help create but to recreate, the statue carried a vividness and liveliness that is otherworldly. Distraught and desperate, Giuliano made a deal with a very cunning Signor Mephis to enliven the sculpture and bring back his lover. But other conniving was in place. The sculpture was his fall and falling.



Cast List


Giuliano Gianni                          A sculptor

Felice Ambroso                          A young businessman

Jiuleta Ambroso                          Felice’s sister, a painter and playwright

Rosenna                                Jiuleta’s fiancé, a merchant

Mephistopheles                          A curious devil


Alana at the tavern                       A nightingale

Antony                                Giuliano’s assistant

A Gravedigger

A white cat

Vincent Conte                           A marquis at the party

A vampire

A witch

A huntsman

A cheery crowd


Act 1 Scene 1

(At the luxurious deathbed.)


Felice: Pity! Pity for you, pity to me.

Giuliano: quiet please, you should rest.

Felice (a slight smile): there's no time to rest.

Giuliano: I beg to differ. You will get better.

Felice: will I?

Giuliano: what are you thinking?

Felice: risotto and scones.

Giuliano (speaking really fast): you have to hold on, the doctor is on his way.

Felice: wait... please take care of the business, and take care of Julieta before her marriage...(pause) it seems like I have to break the promise, Giulian... (holds hand)

Giuliano (shouts quietly): No. Don't leave me, look at me, Felice, look at me...

(The hand he holds dear let loose, Felice dies)


[calm, funeral music]


Act 1 Scene 2

(Giuliano carrying one flower at the tombstone.)


Giuliano: All flowers and youths turn to dust

And left us to behold

Love is a broken window

I have to exit through

While caressing the shards

Remembering the good days

With all things precious

Your eyes, the look on your face

Your soft curls and golden locks

There is beauty in the body

There is poetry in the movement

You tell me it's not enough

Cause lilac sky is the limit

In me there's a longing

In you I am burning

But not anymore, was it?

Your eyes grow pallid

And Death marks on your skin

One last kiss, my dear

As if time would never stop

I would remember this time

When love is even to kill

Love is every broken window

I'd rather to be broken with you


(drops the rose)

(Enters the Gravedigger)

Gravedigger: are you alright?

Giuliano: just a moment.

Gravedigger: so young? Only twenty-six.

Giuliano: he was a dear friend of mine.

Gravedigger: isn't that so? Lord has no mercy.

Giuliano: I took refuge in our shared moment together.

Gravedigger: you should quit that, it gets better after a time.

Giuliano: you know what? I might (I won't).

Gravedigger: chill, young lad, the best is yet to come.

(Picks up the sickle, leaves scene)

Voice solo: Gravedigger, if you heard my name

Nobody knows my name

For I came from the beyond

And beyond I go

Now is the time to take back

what I had and what I had lost

Only those are figurative and ephemeral

So I take back the metaphor

Rose, lily and funeral flowers

See you in twilight

the smell of dawn

In the afternoon I will see you again

Even if I'm not here


(come, a stray white cat)

Giuliano: What's the matter? Little friend?

Cat: mew.

Giuliano (searches the pocket): I can't give you anything right now.

Cat: (looks at Giuliano).

Giuliano: are you a mere coincidence? Or are you a messenger, telling me what I like to hear?

Cat: (approaches Felice's tomb).

Giuliano: hush, kitty, for you might disrupt Felice's sleep.

Cat: (linger and leave).

Giuliano: on, how the days gone by, without you. I will cut the day short, til morning comes. Felice! Just lying here, like a sweet death angel. If it's roses you like, take them. For I can only take one. Sleep to your heart's delight! For what I had and what I was left with is nothing but memories. I would still remember the time we met...

(halt and ponder, the light is dimmed).


Act 1 Scene 3


(Giuliano and Alana sits in a bar, both are very quiet for a while).

Giuliano: Alana, you look like an Alana.

Alana: and you look like you are grieving.

Giuliano: isn't that the case.

Alana: so, what do you do?

Giuliano: I make sculptures for the riches, I suppose that makes me a sculptor.

Alana: very interesting! And I talk to people.

Giuliano: an admirable job, no offense.

Alana: no offense taken. So, tell me about your friend.

Giuliano: he was like a ray in the clouds, candlelight in darkness.

Alana: he must be very gentle and kind.

Giuliano: gentle he was, and also shrewd.

Alana: very intriguing. How did you meet?

Giuliano: we met as artist and client. The day he was commissioning me to build a statue of Daphne and Apollo for the garden of his villa.

Alana: you talked and started to know each other?

Giuliano: we talked and started to understand each other.

Alana: isn't that precious? And how did he die?

Giuliano: of sickness, presumably consumption.

Alana: there's no life and there's no death. Only a little bird and its keeper.

Giuliano: because "love is a little flowy bird"?

Alana: because believe it or not, there is love after death.

Giuliano: you are perceptive.

Alana: and you, dear signor, is a little drunk,

Giuliano: it dulls the longing.

Alana: why continue to longe? Instead, you can make a memorabilia, to remember him through it. You are a sculptor after all.

Giuliano: to recall him through it...




Act 2 Scene 1


(Giuliano in front of a half-finished statue, at the studio)

Giuliano: Eyes, one last time and again

Shall you falter

Shall you stutter

I can see you clearly now

The next moment I cannot

It gets cloudy around here

Is it the mist is it the smoke

Is it the smoke that linger?

Is it the mist that lingers not?

Oh, those lovely curls

This semblance of imitation

Cannot compare with your light

(keeps chiselling)


(The assistant enters)

Assistant: good day to you, young master!

Giuliano: good day, Antony, what's the matter?

Assistant: nothing especially, just hop in to see if I can be of any help.

Giuliano: yes you may, do feel free to clean the debris after I'm done with this session.

Assistant (nods and approaches): sure. Is this signor Felice isn't it?

Giuliano: for the sake of it, it is. For the accountability of art, and the persistence of it.

Assistant: cool. I mean, I'm sorry for your loss.

Giuliano: thank you. It's not getting easier.

Assistant: I bet it isn't. I'll leave you to your work.

(temporarily leaves the stage)


Giuliano: talk to me, Felice

One second I can hear your whisper

The next second I cannot

The mind! These are messy places

Can I remember you correctly?

Your muscles, your limbs, your long torso

The look of your almond eyes, and pouty face

I can see you clearly now

I can't help create but to recreate.


Act 2 Scene 2


At the Riveria                   

(Giuliano reclining on the grassland near the river, with Felice cosily lean into him)


Felice: Just wondering, which place would you not go?

Giuliano: to the sea, so to speak.

Felice: why is that?

Giuliano: adventure would be so boring without you in it.

Felice: and mine is perhaps to the grave.

Giuliano: there's a lot of justifications for that.

Felice because there's simply so much more to share together.

Giuliano: like gelato on risotto?

Felice: like gelato and risotto.


Felice: will you wade through fourth river to bring back your dead lover?

Giuliano: no, I am not Orpheus. Perchance I'll separate seas if I have to.

Felice(unconvincingly): if you have to.

Giuliano: I promise I'll be quick.

Felice: none of the nonsense.

Giuliano: promise me you will not die before me.

Felice: what if I do?

Giuliano: then it's time to resort to sorcery and wishful thinking.

Felice: I could use a little bit of sorcery.


Felice: how many nights!

Giuliano: elaborate please?

Felice: all of those must be good nights.

Giuliano: I would beg not to differ. (look at the moon)

Felice: If I must be a bug, (look at the stars)

Giuliano: you must have been a beautiful bug.

Felice: only the pretty ones.

Giuliano: may I suggest something a little bit more charming?

Felice: I've washed the sheets. (you know)

Giuliano: for the love of music...here's a poem.

(pulls out a poem and read)

I would melt into wind

To see the shape of you

Will they be lines of beauty?

Will they be all angles and edges?

There's nothing to ponder

There's only the real you

I heard the birds are gathering

I heard the cicadas sing

All I see is pale green

Flooding land and sea

Felice: who did you copy? I like it.

Giuliano: none other than me: that will be sacrilege.

Felice: it reads like something a sculptor would write.

Giuliano: how much I adore the shape of you.

Felice: how mediocre (still reads), thanks for the gift.

Giuliano: only the pretty ones.

Felice: you remind me of my previous loved ones...

Giuliano: for this I must be.

Felice: (kisses) for all the good nights...


(the night is young)


Felice: you said you'd like to walk into the river, tell me more about it?

Giuliano: so I can go with the flow?

Felice: that's a justification out there.

Giuliano: as I imagine it, it goes better with the rain.

Felice: so you can taste the smell of the rain?

Giuliano: so I can melt in with the rain.

Felice: I don't make you a Romantic.

Giuliano: I think we all have Romantic urges sometimes?

Felice: that's not farthest from truth. A romantically inclined then.

Giuliano: A Romantically inclined. (Later) I thought you don't take an equal liking to the river?

Felice: not quite, it washes away too many things.

Giuliano: like our pasts and our sins?

Felice: like our presence and our sins.

Giuliano: how is that the case?

Felice: like you are focusing too much on the river (focus on me).

Giuliano: my bad, I'll cease and desist. (Kisses Felice).


Act 2 Scene 3

(At Jiuleta's drawing room, Rosenna enters).

Rosenna: sweet Jiuleta, what's the matter?

Jiuleta (puts down brushes): just getting by the sweet old days. How d'y do?

Rosenna: I was talking with a friend, he mentioned how he adores artists, so I thought I may introduce him to you.

Jiuleta: Glad you thought so! That friend of yours, is it life or business?

Rosenna: Every friend in business is a friend in life. He's quite a personality though.

Jiuleta: I bet he's cordial. Sure, you are welcome to bring him in whenever convenient.


(Jiuleta discusses her incumbent play, and Rosenna introduces her to Mephis)

Rosenna: then I shall fetch him in a moment. But Jiuleta, really, are you well?

Jiuleta: if my brother is what you are asking, it's too soon, I guess the polite thing to say is it will get better with time.

Rosenna: ah, another "til it happens to you" situation. I'll speak more on this with you later, in the meantime, you have my condolences.

Jiuleta: it's alright. Thank you, Rosenna.

(Rosenna exits, a few moments later, comes with a hooded figure)


Mephis (pulls out of the hood): Buon pomeriggio, I hope I'm not intruding.

Jiuleta: believe it you are not.

Rosenna: Julieta, this is Signor Mephis, Mephis, Julieta.

Mephis: a pleasure to meet you. (kisses her hand).

Jiuleta: the pleasure is all mine. So, what do you do?

Mephis (thinking posture): if you are asking what I do outside of business, I'm rather a curator of the arts.

Rosenna: he owns the gallery on main street.

Mephis: that and a little more... em, I see we are painting something? Let me see... classical architectural landscape with figurines, you'd make a promising artist.

Jiuleta: you flattered me. I don't consider myself an artist, this is just a dedicated pastime.

Mephis: whoever makes art I consider an artist.

Rosenna: my Jiuleta is also writing a play.

Mephis: a polymath! Tell more more about it.

Jiuleta (hesitantly): it's about a young man who had a talent to make his wish come true, a concerned artist friend, and a considerate devil.

Rosenna: I didn't know you had a taste in satire.

Jiuleta: satire it's not. I frame it as a sweet tragedy.

Mephis: sounds like a comic-tragedy to me. If you don't mind, which scene you are at?

Jiuleta: oh, I worked out the duo's interaction, and now is working on how the devil seduces the artist.

Mephis: the art of the deal then. Your fiancé has a lot to say in this department. 

Rosenna: yes, I must agree. If you wish, you can ask me anything.

Jiuleta: at this stage I better work on how to perfect the libretto.

Mephis: can we have the pleasure to hear it?

Jiuleta: if you insist. (Pulls out a sheet from the writing desk)

L'amour est un petit oiseau qui s'envole

Comment vont les amants ? La lune est pâle

Prends les épines, laisse les roses

Le reste dépend de moi

Dans quelle mesure est-il juste de conclure un accord

Faire un vœu, accord ou pas accord ?

Toute votre armoire en porcelaine rit

Ainsi est la tapisserie entrelacée

Soudain tu as vieilli

Soudain, l'âge revient sur toi

Maintenant tu connais tes envies

Souhaitez-vous connaître la vérité ?


Mephis: what a serenade, brava!

Jiuleta: and Rosenna?

Rosenna: I like it.

Jiuleta: glad you like it.

Mephis: do me a favour, when you finish the major scenes, send it to me.

Rosenna: our friend Mephis also have connections with the theatre scene.

Jiuleta: on really? Thank you for the compliment, I will consider it.

Mephis: take your sweet time, for time we have other than none.


Act 2 Scene 4

(At the confusing garden of labyrinth, Giuliano and Mephis in festive gown)


Giuliano: I checked you through Felice's contact list.

Mephis: splendid! Did you found anything worth noticing?

Giuliano: apart from manufactured pleasantries, you two seems to have a thriving business consorting with artists.

Mephis: how perceptive of you, and?

Giuliano: after that, the artists seemed to either retire or disappear.

Mephis: been an artist yourself, you seem rather unconcerned.

Giuliano: concerned I am, I have more important business with me.

Mephis: I'm sensing an interesting opportunity.

Giuliano: opportunities! Should I call you Mephis, or Mephisto?

Mephisto: That was blunt of you. You got me! But I got you even more. Mephistopheles is the name, but for the present purpose, Mephisto will do.


(Over there a bird flies away, is it white or blue? Giuliano looks up and the scene is disturbed with a few petals of falling flowers)


Mephisto: I have checked your portfolio.

Giuliano: and what did you find?

Mephisto (pulls out a mechanical butterfly, blow the bug, it flies away from his hand): they all seem so fragile.

Giuliano: I like to add vulnerability to marble.

Mephisto: is that so? I have heard your case, but remind me, what is it that you desire?

Giuliano: I'd like to bring back my Felice, as he was before, safe and sound.

Mephisto: a difficult but not impossible task. Whatever it takes?

Giuliano: whatever it takes.

I have searched four rivers

for you to come home

All hope dies like dreams do

It is ephemeral

It is a half empty cup

We drink for the forgotten days past

Past the square

Past the water fountain

Past the garden

When all flowers speak your name

And your name is engraved upon my heart.

Mephisto: such valiant declarations. You should know it's souls we take. I'll work for your aim in this life, and you the aftermath.

Giuliano: what time do I have? Seems like a valid deal.

Mephisto: only to bring your Felice back, I would need a medium.

Giuliano: I am making a statue of him, it's nearly finished.

Mephisto: a statue! What a lovely idea. That will do.

Giuliano: anything else that you’d require?

Mephisto: later we will travel to the witcher's fair to pick up several ingredients for the magic scroll, other than that, I've prepared a standard copy of the deal. (Brings forth a paper) If you will have a look.

Giuliano: sounds interesting. Thank you. (Takes the note)


Giuliano: it looks decent, only I have a few questions.

Mephisto: shoot.

Giuliano: In what ways!

Mephisto: The ways are many, and many more.

Giuliano: Anyhow?

Mephisto: through tricks and enchantments.

Giuliano: I see.

Mephisto: (to others) He does not. (to Giuliano) So and so, you know the drills?

Giuliano(patiently): and yes?

Mephisto: Love is a patient. When it flies, what remains? All that remains, we remain curious. (Tsks)

Giuliano (takes out paper and pen): may I offer you a price?

Mephisto(merrily): only if the price is right!

Giuliano: to love is suffering. Let me suffer. (He signed the deal, details are omitted.)




Act 3 Scene 1


(Danza, a diversifying feast at the hall room of a castle. It's a cocktail party of magical creatures)

A vampire: long live the night

for the night is what we have

All across the empty corridor

Everyone is yielding their futile device

The night is young

So do we

Prayers to the prey

May the wine mix with blood

And the blood never dries

This land is our land

We shall feast like nobody else


A witch: All across the room

Are familiar faces of our pale friends

In the meantime, let the caldron brew

Mix saffron with auriculariales

Add a pinch of salt of the dead

Three hangman's fingers, and rabbit ear

Don't forget the secret ingredient

And the cocktail for Elysium is complete

I can hear the fallen angel humming

For they fall like falling leaves

Save the days serving to us


A huntsman: Here I hunt in this haunting castle

Not sure who's prey who's guest

Everyone is dressed in fine lace and silver

I trust my old hunting coat

Two hundred florins for a vampire

One hundred and fifty for a witch

But now is not the time for the bounty

Now is the time to have a good time

Talk to Larry or the vampire princess

Accost a witcher or a charming priestess

I the game of charm I am wining plenty


(On the second floor, folks are talking, Mephisto goes to fetch key ingredients by talking to the witches. Giuliano meets a young gentleman)

Giuliano: this can't possibly be. Felice, is that you?

Vincent: I beg your pardon?

Giuliano: my eyes are deceiving me, my apologies, signor, you look like someone I used to know.

Vincent: no need to apologize, the name is Vincent (smiles). Although most of the times I go by Marquis Conte.

Giuliano: so Vincent, what do you do (other than been rich and fabulous)?

Vincent: I add colours to the chameleons. And you?

Giuliano: I am a sculptor.

Vincent: good. I have a bit of projects that could need some sculptures. I trust you are established in the city?

Giuliano: yes, my studio is three street north of the art district, at Oltrarno.

Vincent: I know it. And you go by?

Giuliano: oh, almost forgot, my name is Giuliano.

Vincent: just Giuliano?

Giuliano: Giuliano Gianni, if you must know.

Vincent: thank you, do I must? You seem to have a lot on your mind. Can I buy you a drink?

Giuliano: only pure alcohol if that is the case.

Vincent: no add-on ingredient is in order. (Goes to the bar and ordered two drinks, one blooded wine and another little red wine). Here you go.

Giuliano: much appreciated. (Have a drink) Gosh this is potent.

Vincent: isn't that so. They have the best Trebbiano in town.

Giuliano: glad to hear that. Vincent, if you don't mind, is this always the case?

Vincent (curiously): in what ways?

Giuliano: going to a haunted castle for a fun party, accost an artist, and drink from him?

Vincent: going to a haunted castle for a fun party, accost an artist, and drink with him.

Giuliano: that's what we called "a good life".

Vincent: such a shame the good life didn't last. (The music starts) Ah, speaking of which, care to dance with me?

Giuliano: although now is really not a good time, I must oblige.

(The vampire and the human dances in the crowd, which is an eerie mixture of witches, vampires, hunters and ghosts, Baroque waltz music is on Live in the background of the first floor, while Mephisto is surfing the crowd. )


(Mephisto's waltz)

Mephisto: Dance! Joyous crowd

Shall we dance until the night dies prematurely?

There will be no more spiders, bed bugs and fleas

For the world is small when we think little

Bitte! For the world is small and we think a little bit!

Young and thwart when we think too big

So we will roam, wander but not lost

Until we lay wasted on other people's balcony

And get up and dance even more

We cheer to your ill health

Cheer to the fallen crown

And cheer to the crown regained

For everyone has their own throne

And everyone has their own rose to bury

Let us dance on the burial ground

Let magic and amazement sips through the magnificent veil!

(Conjures several balloons, takes one and pierces through the balloon while laughing)


(The dance is over, Giuliano approaches a witch who is selling potions near the bar area).

The witch: What do you want?

Giuliano: for sure? I want information.

The witch: I don't sell that. Young lad, you seem to need some love or hate potion.

Giuliano: love and hate can wait. (Gives twelve florins). I was curious, do you happen to have a concoction that causes consumption?

The witch: Asking for a friend?

Giuliano (gravely): I take it as a yes.

The witch: I have some by hand, although it will cost more than a few spare changes. Care to have some?

Giuliano: Maybe next time, thanks.


Mephisto: you seem conflicted. Got what you need?

Giuliano: just in time. Got what you need?

Mephisto: almost, once properly processed, the scroll will be ready.

Giuliano: it's strangely enlightening out there.

Mephisto: the crowd and the atmosphere! Glad you think like it.

Giuliano: so I was talking to Marquis Conte.

Mephisto: isn't he a jolly young man?

Giuliano: he was talking about wine and a future commission.

Mephiso: mixing work and pleasure, that's quite like him.

Giuliano: I'm afraid the commission would have to wait.


Act 3 Scene 2


(On stage, at the studio, Giuliano conducts finishing works with Felice's statue)

Giuliano: I'm the macheted heart

I'm the buried knife

I'm the calling rain

That rained at night

Your eyes, marbled star sapphires

Your lips, those curves I admire

Did I leave you too long on your own?

Does it take too much strength to stand still?

I am questioning faith

In a faithless world

I am questioning sorcery

How much work for it to need to work


(Pause, pulls out the scroll, and read the spell)


Giuliano (reads out as the statue comes alive):


Amplectitur anima angelo et angelus ad vitam venit

Ipsum imprimere et ipsum impressionem

Tribuatur, reframetur.


With you there is music

Without you there is magic

The seeping banality

It's colour dull and sweet

There's nothing to wonder

Shall I wander and get lost

I heard the storms are gathering

I heard the waves sing

All I know are lined graphs

Of a concept of you


(Conversation with a talking and unmoving statue)


Felice: so we meet again

suddenly the world grows quieter

it's a treat to seeing you there

in your power in your habitat

I couldn't fathom what it takes (so I don't)

but here I speculate

it takes one to find one

Eurydice! Let the music play

Cecelia: the lute is restored

All the serenity of the afterlife

Couldn't compare with your messy chaos.


Giuliano: Felice.

Felice: Giuliano.

Giuliano: I'm glad you are here.

Felice: I've been waiting for you...you look stunning in your grieving.

Giuliano: and you look radiant in your comeback. Only why aren't you mobile?

Felice: it's part of the game.

Giuliano: for heaven's sake, so many trickeries!

Felice: heaven is very near.


Felice: and what do I look like?

Giuliano: the corpse of a swan.

Felice: so joyous and graceful.

Giuliano: graceful is the word. Just so you know, you make me a whole world.

Felice: it's a new world every day with you by my side.

Giuliano: speaking of how to feel sweet and sorrow at the same time!

Felice: an optimist may say all things good are made to last.

Giuliano: how does a moment last forever?

Felice: the secret is, to observe.

Giuliano: to savour it! The eternal regard: and in it I'm observing.

Felice: you have travelled far to reach this point, now it's time to wind down (and settle down).

Giuliano (move forward and touches Felice-statue's hair): isn't that the case. In time I will, with you.

Felice: nonetheless, Giuliano, you should rest.

Giuliano: hence the promise is kept.


Felice: I'm glad you are here, you shouldn't have to.

Giuliano: I couldn't bear the thought.

Felice: of my absence?

Giuliano: of continuing losing you.

Felice: your sincerity is endearing.

Giuliano: so is your equivocation. But I digress, how are you feeling?

Felice: it's alright. I'm used to not feel anything. 

Giuliano: that is an issue we should redress. I will have to find Mephisto, for him to offer so little in our deal.

Felice: leave the devil alone. Perhaps think of it this way: let us savour the moment.

Giuliano (nods): let us savour our moment. (Hugs the statue form of Felice, and the light is dimmed).


Act 3 Scene 3


(Near the columns of some stately building, at an open clearing. Giuliano and Rosenna are on stage, both with swords).


Giuliano: thank you for meeting me.

Rosenna: not a problem. It's a privilege to be summoned by a great artist.

Giuliano: this compliment I cannot take. How was your trip to Norway?

Rosenna: it is good. The food is good so is the people.

Giuliano: business as usual?

Rosenna: you know I like to mix business and pleasure.

Giuliano: good. If you don't mind me asking, I was curious, did you host a dinner party before Felice got severely ill?

Rosenna: guilty as charged----we were experimenting new dishes and setups.

Giuliano: there I thought so. It is you.

Rosenna: I'm not sure what you are talking about.

Giuliano: you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Rosenna: not so sure of that. Felice died of illness, not ill intention.

Giuliano: I understand you took away a portion of Felice's business, which will be yours for good after your marriage with Julieta.

Rosenna: even if that is the case, you have no evidence against me.

Giuliano: I have this and conviction. (Pulls out sword).

Rosenna: wishing to settle this the hard way? I'm with you. (Draws out sword, and they fight, Giuliano prevails).

Background noises: a murder! a murder! Contact the commander!

Giuliano: so this is settled. I must spare no time. (exit).


Act 3 Scene 4


(Twilight at the studio, enters a bloodied Giuliano.)


Felice: there you are. I trust you didn't do anything rush.

Giuliano: nothing not according to plan.

Felice: you seem rushed.

Giuliano: I went to settle the scores with Rosenna.

Felice: ah, our friend Rosenna, hence it went well?

Giuliano: he won't be of any hinderance anymore.

Felice: attaboy. What did you do?

Giuliano: I killed him, for what he did to you.

Felice: are you going to ask why didn't I tell you?

Giuliano: no. You wish to wind me up and let me find the truth myself.

Felice: that's one way of putting it. Have you covered your tracks?

Giuliano: We duelled in public, they will arrive by any minute.

Felice: I'm sorry to hear that.

Giuliano: don't be. I can sense how glad you are with this arrangement.

Felice: with you apprehended by a wronged justice?

Giuliano: with me taking the matter to my own hands.

Felice: by your own hands! How lovely is that.

Giuliano: you seem aloof, don't be aloof.

Felice: cause I can more or less guess what you are going to do.

Giuliano: and you are not going to approve it.

Felice: you should reconsider. I like us in this way.

Giuliano: there are no more ways. Only unresolved threads.

Felice: don't let the loose threads bother you.

Giuliano (a bitter smile): dear Felice, I'm sorry things turned out like this.

Felice: don't be sorry. Don't be so hard on yourself.


Giuliano: to life! and the life not worth living

trapped in this cocoon day by day

to the edge of the world if there is such a thing

and all our yesterday are shoved into shelves

unfolding solitarily with mortal decay

what was left are flowy tales and raw marbles

frost and frozen in refined sensibilities

for we are trapped in time

creatures of chaos and comfort

for the truth is uncomfortable

the truth is there is no truth

and we became characters of our own thin plot

illuminatingly dull and incredibly bored

trying to defy fate and destiny

only there are none


I'm sorry to leave you here, but you have to sort this out with Mephisto yourself.

(Takes out a dagger and impales himself).


Felice: Giuliano, no. And don't worry, we'll be fine.

(Felice stands graciously, while Giuliano is bleeding on the marbled floor).





Grazie. There is more to it, but the main story is over.

Proceed if you are in appetite for a happy ending.





(Still in the studio, Giuliano is taken care of, Felice and a smug Mephisto is on board.)


Mephisto: Four on Six, this month’s items.

Felice: another deal is on.

Mephisto: it didn’t work that way.

Felice: I propose a posthumous deal, you can take half of Giuliano’s soul, and half of me.

Mephisto: as much as I want, Felice, you are not a legal person.

Felice: an angel’s share I was! But now I am here, summoned and unbound.

Mephisto: I’d say you are abounding to more or less a sedentary lifestyle.

Felice (feigns sadness): are you going to leave me here?

Mephisto: no heaven no way! To think of it this way, I propose a one-on-one trade.

Felice: is that even a thing? How will I know you haven’t eaten Giuliano?

Mephisto: he’s undelicious, but that’s all secondary. It’s unconventional but I can draft the draft. Are you on board?

Felice: I’m interested. Can you be a little more specific?

Mephisto: Giuliano can go free, and I won’t eat you save for a little bit, you will join our city of artists and artisans as a fellow middleman. How does that sound?

Felice: so poor Giuliano will still follow and be exploited.

Mephisto: possibly, but that’s his call. What do you say, join your calling at our favourite city?

Felice: it seems I was given the freedom of choice. Sure, have it your way, but I demand a fair commission in whatever currency you are using.

Mephisto: it’s still the florin! Sure, I have the reputation of treating my downline nicely.

Felice: you have no such reputation. But I take it as a yes.

Mephisto: cool. I’ll prepare the paperwork, see you in a whim. In the meantime, have fun playing with Giuliano’s ghost. (Exits, before his exists, whisks Giuliano’s ghost out into the scene.)

Felice: arrivederci.


Giuliano (unbelievable. approaches the statue of Felice): Felice…

Felice: you lovely idiot.

Giuliano: what have you done to release me from Mephis’ noose?

Felice: I was selling us both to our future employer.

Giuliano: I see. I hope the price is good.

Felice: you are not losing your sense of humour.

Giuliano: before he comes back, one more kiss, dear, and a not goodbye.

Felice: why does the ghost need a bench to come up? Giuliano, you know I can’t feel you. (cooperates in been muffled by the kiss.)

Giuliano: I can’t wait. I can feel you.

Felice: satisfied?

Giuliano (smiled): not in a thousand years.

Felice: you are not going to ask what are we going to do next?

Giuliano: it’s up to you, really.

Felice: once transported to the city, you have to ask around and find a Monsieur Bai, he is a classical painter with a lot of artists friends, you should go work for him.

Giuliano: Mephisto’s competitor? How is that a good idea?

Felice: so that he will keep me as a leverage.

Giuliano: I thought you are not worried of becoming the devil’s dessert.

Felice: I’m not. I was worried of what you should do without me.

Giuliano: what I ought to do. Makes sense.

Felice: now Giuliano, be quiet. Look at you…

Giuliano (quiet after a while): I should make you a painting so I can whisk you away on a carriage or a ship.

Felice: I didn’t know you can paint.

Giuliano: a little bit, but Jiuleta can.

Felice: so I take it the marriage is cancelled.

Giuliano: there are a handful of qualified bachelors in the city.

Felice: you can say whatever you want.

Giuliano: or I can not say anything. (He got down and fetched a drawing board, paper and a pencil and begins sketching the fluid silhouette of the statue Felice. Felice looks at him while he completes the drawing.)

Felice: I am no expert, but it’s beautiful.

Giuliano: soon you will be.

Felice: Giuliano, may I ask you one thing?

Giuliano: you know you can ask me anything.

Felice: did you orchestrate it?

Giuliano: there I thought it’s you. No? Why is it?

Felice (contemplatively): thank you for letting me know.

Giuliano: thank you for entertaining the ideal. What do you think, should I colour it?

Felice: with paints? Let’s keep it as such.

Giuliano: let’s keep it as it were.

(Giuliano puts the paper aside, leaned on the table and did a contemplative pose, while moonlight hits on Felice’s pale countenance. Then we hear music, with that the curtains gradually fall.)

Airëlindalë: an elven song

Airëlindalë: an elven song

Migratory Duck

Migratory Duck