The Untimely Annunciation

The Untimely Annunciation

The Untimely Annunciation

By Aran Meredith

I was playing candy crush with the devil

When an angel came knocking on my door

He told me it’s not okay to eat all those smart cookies

Just to get ahead of everyone else

And my decor looked like a Victorian penthouse for whores

Oops, he meant sinners of lust, pardon my tongue

The devil tried to excuse himself but ‘twas okay to stay, the angel asserted, just to be polite

He pretended to not take the cue and stayed on, snarky bastard

Oh my lord, forgive me please my lord

Enlighten me, how to deal with an angel

Whom was passionately shedding 

Shedding fucking feathers on my floor

Without resorting to a rude farewell

Or should I consult the old gods, or else

I was having a play date with the devil himself

When an angel descended as a gigantic lightbulb

He reproached me for rain checking on Sunday

Even if twas only Platonic, truth to be told

And my black mascara was running with all those laughing and doing

Oops, he meant languid delights, of course

The devil tried to hide his grin but failed disastrously, just to be polite

My, blessed be angelic creature with filthy thoughts, he thought to himself

Oh my lord, forgive me please my lord

Enlighten me, a light shaft in darkness

How to part with the devil

When he was passionately showering

Showering me with thoughtful gifts and fair mindful deeds

Without resigning to a sweet embrace

A kiss to seal the deal, so to speak the sweet cliche

I was painting picture with letters all by myself

When an angel disrupted my train of thoughts

He told me all inspiration came from the divine source

Silver City by the clouds

And Art imitates Nature imitates images patented by the lords

Oops, he meant our Lord, trinity is sooo naughty to correctly count

The devil walked in with more smart cookies, enough for a tea party

Playing graceful host like he own my place, like how he owns me

Oh my lord, forgive me please my lord

Enlighten me, how to reconcile with myself

Whom I learned to passionately detest so much the more I got to know about

Without retreating to the chamber early

Figuratively, with the devil as polite company

2019. 06.

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