Lately I've been falling love with falling leaves
Like how it's made and unmade
Put your blood in the moon flask
How does it taste with a bit of gin
Lately I've been falling love with falling leaves
Like how it's made and unmade
Put your blood in the moon flask
How does it taste with a bit of gin
做了这么多年,希拉还是认为,王室作为外交部成员的这项先入为主的条款有些不妥。虽然并不是说所有的上议会成员。 开除过去,除开当下,剩余的价值估值过多。
Last time you were killed
You pouted
There is a bloom in every loom
For every play you wrote
was by my rule
There was always a sunspot
To bury wormwood and wormholes in it
You carry the wickerman across the field
Does it takes away the fun in burning?
他选用了略带德语的口音,"下午好,法国人。" 时局不稳定,请原谅我的失态。
在传送阵前过来接机的是一队职业外交官和职业贵族。“下午好,德国人。” 时态和文化的差异,请原谅我的失礼。
To dissolve in wind, to dissolve in water
One moment I was inside you
One moment I was beside you
I saw your smile with artificial tears on
We seek to seek no more
Not knowing where does it ends
Your sense and sensibility
My copy was destroyed in the fire
“钥匙。” 他简短地说。这个,我不能拿。
It's only a greenhouse
You relish, you relive
Where a pigeon lays
With you and your dead lover
Your pavane and my pleasure
Press and you shall purr
In all the languages
I can't hear you because you
are not here
So I had forger you
And you forget back
See nothing but saffron
All the mirrors are poof
All of the beds are made
A little rest of our life
A little rest
Just a little bit of endlessness
Starfishes wasted on the floor
From your electricity and your city
Just a toy story in a toy shop
Just another year in your makeshift calendar
Erasing away one another and the story
过来代班的天才数学家埃里亚胡指出,莫斯科到西伯利亚的火车是假的,西伯利亚到莫斯科的火车是真的;前三分之一的四分之一是真的。赛拉斯·维特阁下认真听了许久这个人支离破碎的通用文,用羽毛笔尖指着被涂画过的地图草图说明,“所以请问,前三分之一的后四分之三处,到底是真的还是假的?” 埃里亚胡对希伯来裔普鲁士人娓娓道来,他真挚地言明,“真的是假的。”近似项相融理论:决定论与自由意志相辅相成的调和,只不过自由意志的成分相对决定论的含量稍微比较多。
Eyeshadows in my hand
The pastis was yours for free
Does I burn for you?
Does I burn with you?