This knife looks like a cake
Chips fall where they may
On your laps, that is to say
I hear shadow speaks
the shape of water is you
made shadows dance
to the distant shore
line on the hourglass
So it goes as all ghost goes
Honeyed sins span sandalwood white
Here’s your Persephone
Take the last pomegranate
Let’s play chess
I hear a red herring bone falling
Falling into the shallow sea
Send me to the emerald clouds
Undream me in soulless fantasies
When I was alive
I used to think love lasts forever
Ashes & love, & lemon peels
Dandelion dust
It’s inhumane to be human
Never left a candle unattended
Some might fly by stealing a taste
In the dark in the dark
Nicotine caffeine dopamine
Those are my favourite things
Hooks and hookah
I miss my e-cig and my Lumina
Love, how lovely, what a waste of time and resources. How nice of you to fall into the muddle holding a plastic imitation of laurel branch, to fell in love with love itself, and never really get up from the little pond of slimy mud.
Moon on a stage made for fools
Can’t fall in love with love itself
Can’t trip over anything else
So together, we fell
This cloud looks like...a cloud
Everything in the sky
Mishmash patchwork
Where people lived as it is
蓝月刚刚上午,穿着正装的三派代表们陆陆续续地向正西翼的抽象式建筑,三重议事厅中庭一层的最高法院聚集。是什么事务让这些血族从中洲自己的领地上纷纷突然聚集到此呢?受害者是虚无派N党主要领导人,阿诺德 欧克拉翰IV这个学院派的盲眼贵族代表被发现死在了自己在但泽的庄园中。虽然疑似是自杀,然而身边只有血奴管家作为唯一的可能目击者,嫌疑人或证人。