Will you go ahead
To the kingdom by the sea
Where shadows are musing
Where land is ever green
Will you go ahead
To the kingdom by the sea
Where shadows are musing
Where land is ever green
“Paroxysme” 具有三位一体的意思: 欢愉的顶点,战争的高潮,荒诞的高度。一看到来人,阿德莱德觉得自己真是要被”paroxysme”来个”paralysis"了。他不由得整理了一下崭新军服的肩带,他和勒托里亚不约而同地选择了穿士官的制服混淆视听。奥地利骑兵已经被费德里克早已备好的炮兵打得连连掉头,在后撤中把自家陆军冲撞得散成一团。不过就算是这样,线式作战照样得继续。在整齐对首的数排火枪手里还是可以看出他们都不属于这里。两血族互相行礼,随即迅速开枪——向着敌军士兵。
"I don't speak your language"
Any simple tune would do
"All is fine by the river"
The ferryman judges so
The fleurs who died
The fleurs who had passed
Rose and decay in single origin
To forget the bitter aftertaste
To forget the bitter afterstory
If you shine lights on the sapphire crystal
Can you see stars?
She runs away with all her friends and foes
T's a jolly route for folly and sorrow
To the end of glacier
I will find my heart
As your light feed through the light
Different variations of your name
White balloon, red balloon
The paler shade of moon
A timid smile
Your eyes, a reflection
Silk worm eats mildew leaves
French fries silk worm don't eat
Let us practice swordplay and eat steel
Let us sit a little and wait for the rain
In the ocean front there was a storefront
When where we once used to meet
In dust shall we wander
Parle nous ceylon Rosmarin
Can I rearrange my heartbeat?
To approach the endless mirror
And in this we became
scarecrows and scarecrowd
You have severed a chance to settle down
Organizational origami
Eternity is a perpetual movement
In perpetual gazing
Your house was my world
To you: restring
Only perfume and tapeworms linger
Tape a butterfly on your collarbone
Is it the morphines?
Here comes my naked soul
Beauty or decay
A pair of dead doves
Bright hair about the bones
Cheap wine through veins