他开局地很审慎中庸,勒托里亚亲王也不失礼貌地回了礼,“不过,桑德兰,e4?” 它有些好笑地抬眼询问。
他开局地很审慎中庸,勒托里亚亲王也不失礼貌地回了礼,“不过,桑德兰,e4?” 它有些好笑地抬眼询问。
I hear a calling from uncalling
Must they all return?
The clock is not Swiss made
The clock is nocturne
隔壁开着纱帘的内嵌式副厅里站着两个模样精致的血族,他们手持着他不想知道的乐器,垂着洋红眼睛一本正经地弹着靡靡之音。"伊萨克"和"伊莎梅尔"身着丝绸长袍,秘银勾勒雕花陶瓷烧制的宽腰带,举手动作之间倩影生姿。一架琴和一枝管乐,如同两件完美契合,却互相抵触的摆设。 蓝紫色的焚香不断循序渐进地从那屋传过来,没有来源,约莫是幻术师幻象师之流唤来的烟雾。
Where the land meets the sea
Effervescent new morning
By the land an elodie
If I was also in a mist
Talia played the harp for the piece
Leafs falls so is her necklace
Into a shard of filigree
After his very close friend Felice died of a sudden death, the master sculptor Giuliano can’t help create but to recreate, the statue carried a vividness and liveliness that is otherworldly. Distraught and desperate, Giuliano made a deal with a very cunning Signor Mephis to enliven the sculpture and bring back his lover. But other conniving was in place. The sculpture was his fall and falling.
In each and every world there is you
Or the concept of you I now take for granted
We will rediscover us by the lake
You are eating my share of ice cream
I dress like a fool by the sea
I erased myself before
you become a memory
As if it can take away
the heartache and heartbreak
Beauty and decay
This intricate gameplay
Like nautiluses in a water cage
Don’t hesitate to let me disappear
Undulation is the first to go
To the memory thinly veiled
To the memory that we hold dear
Suddenly we started to dance
Play me like a colour switch
It's days like this I wonder Death and the Maid
To fix my broken mirror
To keep love alive
To live along the heartache
The secret history is the one we wrote ourselves
We became ashes that remain and breathe
In the movement everything was unraveling
To be bereft of anything good, to be seen
You won't do well in darkness
You won't do well in light
The nectar I drink from eclipse
Is the blood you accidentally spill